readers felt she was out of character in not being more shrewd. Not, that is, viewing the picture in its entirety. After all, Pat was not committing the unpardonable: Breaking up o happy marriage!

F.L., Peace Dale, R.I.

I am enclosing a money order for $3. Would you please send me, with the October issue, another copy of the September issue. In my opinion it is really one of your best ones.

M.T., Providence, R. I.

Thank you so much for accepting me into your group. I've enjoyed reading THE LADDER very much. Everything in the two copies I have read has been very enjoyable and worthwhile reading. I think your magazine has a very commendable attitude without the bitterness which too many of us are too tempted to feel and express. I hope that someday I may contribute something of value for THE LADDER.

A.K., Lawrence, Kan.

I am currently a subscriber to your publication THE LADDER. My first issue was the June, 1957, one. I notice that it is Volume 1, Number 9. I presume there were eight preceding issues. Could you please advise me on the availability of these eight issues, and the cost of obtaining them?

Please accept my best wishes for continued suc-